Monday, January 3

Happy New Year!

Let me just start out by saying that by reading this post you will probably learn more about me than you ever wanted to. but im all about being authentically and honestly me these days...

So I'm not one for new years resolutions. Actually, New Years used to be one of my least favorite holidays because I felt obligated to 'resolve' weight issues and challenge myself to work out and eat salads for every meal... ugh! But last year, ringing in 2010, I was thinking of things in my life that I needed to resolve on a more personal level. And I decided it was time to confront fear (more specifically, the fear of failure that takes hold of my life). So, I made a challenge to myself to take more risks. I had no idea what God had in store for 2010 when I made that challenge to myself but for me, it was a year of risk taking. Some of these things may not seem like risks to many of you, but for me personally, they were steps (some big and some little) in resolving fear in my life. It's a short list but a pretty big list if you ask me.

1. I hosted a party at my home for the first time
2. I decided to go back to school to persue a career in speech pathology.
3. I quit my secure salary-paying job in order to make that happen
4. I started this blog (now, for all you long time bloggers out there, starting a blog may not seem like a risk, but it was for me! It has been such a positive thing in my life and I thank all of my readers for tuning in from time to time. I love yall!)
5. I developed deeper relationships with some amazing girls

Really, taking risks was the theme throughout all of the McCurry girls this year. My sister, Megan, moved from Dallas to NYC just because she wanted to and my mom sold our house and moved to a smaller place to get a fresh start. Our lives are all completely different than thay were at this time last year and we never saw it coming! I have to say I am proud of us for taking that leap of faith and trusting God to take care of the rest.

Now for 2011:
Let me preface by saying this: in the past I have struggled with practicing self-respect. I have always put myself and my feelings last in every situation regardless of how I felt bc I thought that's what I was supposed to do as a christian. But with help from God, some amazing people and this, I have learned this to be unhealthy and began to give myself and my voice some validity and respect. I think taking risks in 2010 was part of that and in 2011 I am taking on the challenge of practicing self respect in little ways and I've made a top ten list of goals for this year:

1. take better care of my body (I'm not getting any younger)
2. wash my face before going to bed (I know it's such a horrible habit but I never wash my face at night and I love it, its like my rebellious pleasure and it's going to be hard to give up.)
3. practice patience with myself
4. be thorough in everything I do (I have a habit of not finishing projects, books, etc)
5. Read at least 3 books for pleasure from cover to cover (I have started tons of books and never get past the first 3 chapters. Other than text books, I only read one book this past year...{gasp!}... and I'm not proud of that at all...I already have a line up of what I'm planning on reading and am open for suggestions!)
6. play a full game of monopoly (just had to stick this one in there bc I've never done this)
7. Do try the P90X (The hubs is dying to do this and we finally have all the equipment so I figured I'd do it with him...kinda goes along with #1 )
8. Form my own opinions
9. Do the nicest thing I've ever done (this was Tom's challenge to me)
10. Reduce my road rage

I hope you all had the Merriest Christmas and the Happiest New Year! What are your challenges for 2011?


  1. I love you and I love this post! Miss you so much, friend! Here's to a great year! :)

  2. Great post! Love your 'resolutions.' I think you should read The Irresistible Revolution." :)
