I'm all about reusing things and not letting anything go to waste...if you can't tell. And if you're anything like me you probably have a lot of extra fabric peices laying around your house that are "too pretty to throw away" but you have never done anything with them. (Maybe they're left over from a previous project or fabric you bought for that stool you never recovered.) You will need to go dig in your closet for that fabric for this project. Of course you could go to the store and buy fabric but I suggest reusing if you can because it saves your pennies, saves a trip to the store and, besides, this won't take much fabric. I chose the following black and white toile fabric for the little triangles and solid green for the letters: l-o-v-e.
I was aiming for a miniature banner so I just kinda played with the measurements and decided on 5 inches across the top and 6.5 inches long for each triangle. (For a larger banner you may want to measure 7-8 inches across the top and about 9 inches long.) For the point, I just measured 6.5 inches below the top and then 2.5 inches toward the center (half of the length). I marked with a pencil and then connected the dots with a ruler. I measured each one seperately but it may be easier for you to cut the first one out and then trace it for the others. After I cut each triangle out I glued it to the string using spray adhesive. (I just used regular household string- like i said, i was being thrifty and just used things sitting around my house; however, you could use yarn, ribbon, whatever.
I turned the triangles face down and placed the string on top where I wanted it. Next I sprayed the adhesive across the string and folded the top 1/2 inch of each triangle over the string. By the way, this Elmers Craft Bond spray adhesive rocks! And it's so handy for crafting! (especially if you don't sew- that's our little secret...)
For the letters, I cut out small squares of the green fabric about the size I wanted the letter to be and drew the letters on the squares like the picture above. I cut them out and sprayed adhesive to the back of each letter and glued them to the banner. It just takes about 30 minutes to completely dry and then you're ready show it off!

I attached it to an empty frame I had sitting on top of our entertainment center using thumbtacks. I needed something else here so i think this adds a festive touch! I really like that it says love too! It constantly reminds me of Song of Solomon 2:4 "His banner of me is love."
Here is some inspiration to get you going on your banner:

via The celebration shop
via tipjunkie
via thisnext

via lovedecorating
Happy Friday! Happy Halloween!
eat lots of candy!
i LOVE the banner!! and the new lamp! please show a before and after!!! love you!! and round two vintage. i want a bike now. and somewhere to ride it...do you think i can get a four person one for one big and three littles???