I'm talking about all of the cans, cartons and paper bags sitting in your trash can or your recycle bin from all of your Thanksgiving preparation. Before you toss them out, consider reducing the bulk and re-using them to kick off the next holiday! Here are some ideas for some Christmas crafts and gifts using what might otherwise be trashed:
soup or vegetable cans...
via blisstree

soup cans filled with Starbucks coffee and
resealed for gifting...via Melanies Madness
egg cartons...

paper bags for lumineries....
bottle caps for Christmas magnets...
fill them with homemade christmas chex mix or savory
sweets and recover with cute paper for a festive gift! via stampinalley blog
mason jars...
fill with indredients for your favorite cookies and give as a
gift along with the recipe. Check it out here. How cute is that!
I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and remembered to count your blessings. I know I did!